Buchreihe: Psyche und Gesellschaft
266 Seiten, Gebunden, 148 x 210 mm
Erschienen: Juli 2009
ISBN-13: 978-3-89806-480-4
Bestell-Nr.: 480

Aus dem Deutschen von Ingrid Lansford

Narcissism and Power

Psychoanalysis of Mental Disorders in Politics

Sofort lieferbar. Lieferzeit (D): 4-5 Werktage

Social power is irresistibly appealing to narcissistically disturbed personalities. Uninhibited egocentricity, career obsession, a winning mentality and fantasies of grandeur - the narcissist employs these traits to clear the way through the corridors of economic and political power.
Blinded by his fantasies of grandeur and omnipotence, the narcissist loses his grasp on social reality and necessarily fails in the end. It is closely related to this loss of reality that the leader turns away from the norms, values and ideals to which he should actually be committed. Obsession with power, unscrupulousness and cynicism can give rise to brutal misanthropy.

»a masterpiece of political psychology«
Norbert Copray, Dr. phil., is director of the Fairness Foundation and editor of the journal Publik Forum.

»Hans-Jürgen Wirth has reached the stage at which a general psychology of politics can be established. This step had been indispensable.«
Paul Parin (1916–2009), M.D., psychoanalyst in Zurich, International Sigmund Freud Award of Vienna.

»To better understand our political leaders is to better understand ourselves, and humanity’s chances for survival. In this extraordinary book, Hans-Jürgen Wirth explores the impact of narcissism on how political power is exercised. Scholarly, insightful, passionate, and beautifully illustrated, this book challenges us to take a hard look at the characters of those we choose as our leaders. It affirms that psychoanalysis can make vital contributions to our comprehension of political processes.«
Sandra Buechler, Ph.D., is training and supervising analyst at the William Alanson White Institute in New York.



Power and Narcissism - the Siamese Twins

The Generation of 68 and Power

The Kosovo War - Group Psychology and Ego-Analysis

Psychoanalysis and Politics

Thoughts for the Times on Terror, War, and Death

Photo credits


Name index

Subject index