Clinical Journal for Bioenergetic Analysis

Bioenergetic Analysis: The Clinical journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. Bioenergetic Analysis is published once a year.
Bioenergetic Analysis publishes clinical reports, theoretical analyses, empirical investigations, and book reviews pertaining to the theory and practice of Bioenergetic Analysis. Articles should only be submitted during the summer (beginning the first of June through the first of September) of the preceding year. Authors will be sent a notification of receipt of their manuscript within two weeks and will be informed about the status of their manuscripts, as to qualified acceptance or rejection, within two months after submission.
Bioenergetic Analysis has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis.
Publication frequency
Bioenergetic Analysis addresses Bionergetic Analyts and Body Psychotherapists
Editorial office
Léia Cardenuto (Brazil)
Garry Cockburn (New Zealand)
Maê Nascimento (Brazil)
M. Rosaria Filoni (Italy)
Review process
Peer Review
Instructions for authors
The Journal publishes clinical reports, theoretical analyses, empirical investigations, and book reviews pertaining to the theory and practice of Bioenergetic Analysis. Articles will be published in English. Two reviewers will evaluate the article on the basis of a blind review (all information pertaining to the author’s identity will be omitted). The Editorial Board will also have a vote regarding the appropriateness of the article for inclusion in the journal. Manuscripts should not have been published previously or been submitted elsewhere concomitantly.
Bioenergetic Analysis will be published once a year. Articles should only be submitted during the summer (beginning the first of June through the first of September) of the preceding year. Authors will be sent a notification of receipt of their manuscript within two weeks and will be informed about the status of their manuscripts, as to qualified acceptance or rejection, within two months after submission.
For submission please email text, figures and tables to the Chief Editor. For the next edition this is Maê Nascimento.
Publication fees
The journal does not charge publication fees.
Databases & Repositories
Additional Informations
ISSN Print
ISSN Digital

International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (35/2025)
21,40 €

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (34/2024)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (33/2023)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (32/2022)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (31/2021)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (30/2020)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Internationales Institut für Bioenergetische Analyse (Hg.)

Bioenergetische Analyse

Klinisches Journal des Internationalen Instituts für Bioenergetische Analyse (29/2019)

Bioenergetische Analyse, das Klinische Journal des IIBA, wird einmal jährlich herausgegeben und an alle Mitglieder der internationalen Organisation verteilt. Seit 1985 erscheint es auf Englisch, wodurch es zugleich das älteste Organ des IIBA ist.
 [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (29/2019)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Análisis Bioenergético

Revista Clínica del Instituto Internacional de Análisis Bioenergético (28/2018)

Análisis Bioenergético, la revista clínica del IIBA, se publica anualmente y se distribuye a todos los miembros de la organización internacional. Su propósito es impulsar el desarrollo de conceptos teóricos y científicos y crear vínculos para mejorar la comunicación y ampliar nuestras relaciones con otras escuelas de terapia, así como con la psicología ... [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (28/2018)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Analyse Bioénergétique. Evolution des concepts de Relation thérapeutique, Transfert et Contre-Transfert en Analyse Bioénergétique

Le Journal Clinique de l’Institut International d’Analyse Bioénergétique (27/2017)

Analyse Bioénergétique, le Journal Clinique de l’IIBA est une publication annuelle distribuée aux membres de l’association internationale. Son objectif est de permettre l’élaboration plus avant des concepts théoriques et scientifiques ainsi que d’accroître la communication et d’élargir les contacts avec d’autres écoles de psychothérapie, la psychologie académique, et d’autres écoles psychosomatiques de pensée. Ce journal est publié en anglais depuis 1985 et est le plus ancien pour l’IIBA. Ce numéro comporte une édition spéciale, traduite en français pour la communauté francophone de l’IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (27/2017)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (26/2016)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Análise Bioenergética

Revista Clìnica do Instituto Internacional de Análise Bioenergética (25/2015)

Análise Bioenergética, a Revista Clínica do IIBA, é publicada anualmente e distribuída a todos os membros da organização internacional. Seu propósito é promover a elaboração de conceitos teóricos e científicos, fazer ligações para ampliar a comunicação e aumentar nossa conexão com outras escolas de terapia, bem como com a psicologia acadêmica, medicina e outras abordagens psicossomáticas.Tem sido publicada, em Inglês desde 1985, o que a torna a mais antiga revista do IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (25/2015)

The current edition contains five original papers of interest to therapists. Christoph Helferich continues the dialogue about the place of modern Body psychotherapy in today's global village. Garet Bedrosian compares couples therapy from Bioenergetics as well as Imago Relationship Theory (IRT) and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Giuseppe Cardezza explores the dynamics of shame particularly during body oriented therapeutic interventions. Vita Heinrich-Clauer provides an argument for and Bioenergetic techniques for use in self-care of the therapist. Finally, Wera Fauser provides research and rich clinical material on the impact and importance of pre-natal and peri-natal trauma on the individual in psychotherapy. As this is the 30th year and 25th edition, there is an essay of writings tracing the journey of this journal, written by past and recent editors.  [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (24/2014)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (23/2013)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (22/2012)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (21/2011)

The present issue contains three original papers by authors from three different countries. A paper examining grounding using new research on the primary triad of mother, father and infant is written by J. Clauer. A research paper explores the affect of Bioenergetic therapy on a client’s perception of God. It is provided by J. Allard. Robert Lewis writes a moving paper exploring the poetry of the body in the psychotherapy dyad. In a creative writing section there are two sets of poetry. Again, the abstracts of the original papers are all translated into six languages.
 [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (20/2010)

This current volume is dedicated to our founder, Dr. Alexander Lowen, who died in the autumn of 2008. Memorial notes written to honor Dr. Lowen are included in this journal. A paper on intimacy, written by David Finlay, who also died in 2008, is included here. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (19/2009)

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical Journal of the IIBA is published annually in English and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research and single ... [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis 18 (2008)

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (18/2008)

The present issue includes five original articles by Garry Cockburn, Guy Tonella, Angela Klopstech, Bennett Shapiro and Scott Baum, as well as two book reviews. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (17/2007)

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Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (16/2006)

»Bioenergetic Analysis – The Clinical Journal of the IIBA«, published annually by the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) in English and Portuguese, is an international platform. Its purpose is to further theoretical concepts and to make links to and enhance communication with other schools of therapy and proponents of academic psychology, medicine and psychosomatics. The journal also publishes reports on empirical research and single case studies.  [ mehr ]

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