Zeitschrift: The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis
ISSN: 0743-4804
165 Seiten, Broschur, 148 x 210 mm
Erschienen: März 2014
ISBN-13: 978-3-8379-2372-8
Bestell-Nr.: 2372

Bioenergetic Analysis

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (24/2014)

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Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA.

The current edition contains seven original papers and one interview of a revered IIBA trainer. Maê Nascimento addresses how the modern world influences a sense of disconnectedness and the resulting effect in psychotherapy. John Conger provides an interview of IIBA trainer emerita, Eleanor Greenlee, which contains her wise knowledge from a lifetime of teaching and providing therapy from a Bioenergetic perspective. Homayoun Shahri covers neuroscience and other theories in examining developmental trauma. Thomas Heinrich explores the grounding and expansive properties of yawning. Léia Cardenuto presents work on building a social clinic in Brazil. Vincentia Schroeter brings the latest material from attachment theory to compare with Bioenergetic Analysis. Helen Resneck-Sannes explores the world of treating chronic pain. Odila Weigand brings a classic paper about how Core Energetics values exploring negativity in psychotherapy.


Letter from the Editor

The Present Dilemma of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy at Risk
Maê Nascimento

Interview with Eleanor Greenlee
John Conger

Analysis of Developmental Trauma
Homayoun Shahri

Grounding by the Inner Stretch Pattern
Thomas Heinrich

Creativity and Grounding in a Liquid World
Building and Maintaining a Social Clinic in São Paulo, Brazil
Léia M. Cardenuto

Integrating Regulation Therapy and Bioenergetic Analysis
Vincentia Schroeter

From Pain and Anxiety to Pleasure
Helen Resneck-Sannes

Abstracts to “A Core Energetics Approach to Negativity” by Odila Weigand

A Core Energetics Approach to Negativity
Odila Weigand