Buchreihe: Angewandte Sexualwissenschaft
ISSN: 2367-2420
208 Seiten, PDF-E-Book
1. English edition 2018
Erschienen: September 2018
ISBN-13: 978-3-8379-7444-7
Bestell-Nr.: 7444

The Queer Intersectional in Contemporary Germany (PDF)

Essays on Racism, Capitalism and Sexual Politics

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Anti-racist and queer politics have tentatively converged in the activist agendas, organizing strategies and political discourses of the radical left all over the world. Pejoratively dismissed as »identity politics«, the significance of this cross-pollination of theorizing and political solidarities has yet to be fully countenanced. Even less well understood, coalitions of anti-racist and queer activisms in western Europe have fashioned durable organizations and creative interventions to combat regnant anti-Muslim and anti-migrant racism within mainstream gay and lesbian culture and institutions, just as the latter consolidates and capitalizes on their uneven inclusions into national and international orders. The essays in this volume represent a small snapshot of writers working at this point of convergence between anti-racist and queer politics and scholarship from the context of Germany. Translated for the first time into English, these four writers and texts provide a compelling introduction to what the introductory essay calls »a Berlin chapter of the Queer Intersectional«, that is, an international justice movement conducted in the key of academic analysis and political speech which takes inspiration from and seeks to synthesize the fruitful concoction of anti-racist, queer, feminist and anti-capitalist traditions, movements and theories.

With contributions by Judith Butler, Zülfukar Çetin, Sabine Hark, Daniel Hendrickson, Heinz-Jürgen-Voß, Salih Alexander Wolter and Koray Yılmaz-Günay
1 Introducing a German Chapter of the Queer Intersectional
Christopher Sweetapple

2 Queer and (Anti)Capitalism I
Refusing Complicity: A Theoretical Introduction from an Activist Perspective
Salih Alexander Wolter

3 Queer and (Anti)Capitalism II
The Development of Capitalism and the Immiseration of People
Heinz-Jürgen Voß

4 The Dynamics of Queer Politics and Gentrification in Berlin
Zülfukar Çetin

5 Pinkwashing Germany?
German Homonationalism and the “Jewish Card”
Koray Yılmaz-Günay & Salih Alexander Wolter

6 Heterosexual Here, Homosexual There
Zülfukar Çetin & Daniel Hendrickson

7 Defamation and the Grammar of Harsh Words
Sabine Hark & Judith Butler

»As a German contribution to the ›queer intersectional,‹ Sweetapple’s collection is indespensable. His commissioned, collected, and personally conducted translations render vital queer scholarship accessible to the English-speaking world. (...) Few antiracist, queer German-language scholars are known in the United States; thus this volume provides an invaluable service ...«

Tiarra Cooper, Feminist German Studies, 36.2

»›The Queer Intersectional in Contemporary Germany: Essays on Racism, Capitalism and Sexual Politics‹ presents an intimate dialog between antiracist and queer politics with regard to Germany’s current political and cultural debates. The book explores the leftist strategies in a radical fashion by challenging the political discourses that claim that the identity politics-oriented movements slowed down, if not damaged, the anticapitalist struggle in Germany. Departing from this critique, and drawing on political experiences and anecdotes, it impressively provides strong arguments that advocate, if it is rightly understood and not seen as a threat, that identity politics not only can contribute to the anticapitalist struggle but also can become a progressive driving force ...«

Pinar Tuzcu, German Studies Review 43/2, 2020

»Just as the German-speaking left sometimes falls behind in international political discussions, Berliners who don/'t speak the language often miss out on crucial developments in local and national current affairs. A collection of recent essays newly translated into English aims to bridge that gap, with contributions by Judith Butler, Züfulkar Cetin and other academic voices  ...«

Clarence Haynes, Siegessäule, Oktober 2018

1 Introducing a German Chapter of the Queer Intersectional
Christopher Sweetapple

2 Queer and (Anti)Capitalism I
Refusing Complicity: A Theoretical Introduction from an Activist Perspective
Salih Alexander Wolter

3 Queer and (Anti)Capitalism II
The Development of Capitalism and the Immiseration of People
Heinz-Jürgen Voß

4 The Dynamics of Queer Politics and Gentrification in Berlin
Zülfukar Çetin

5 Pinkwashing Germany?
German Homonationalism and the “Jewish Card”
Koray Yılmaz-Günay & Salih Alexander Wolter

6 Heterosexual Here, Homosexual There
Zülfukar Çetin & Daniel Hendrickson

7 Defamation and the Grammar of Harsh Words
Sabine Hark & Judith Butler