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»Psychoanalyse und Körper«
Sebastian Leikert

Die stimm-körperliche Beziehung in der Psychotherapie. Die Rolle der kinetischen Semantik in der psychotherapeutischen Veränderungsarbeit (PDF)

Psychoanalyse & Körper, Nr. 16 (2010), 61-76

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Mit dem Begriff der kinetischen Semantik beschreibt der Autor in Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept der autistisch-berührenden Position nach Ogden einen frühen und sinnlich dominierten Modus der psychischen Organisation. Dabei wird die Rolle der stimm-körperlichen Beziehung betont. Diese Prozesse spielen in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung in Kunst, Religion und Psychotherapie eine Rolle. In diesen drei Formen der privilegierten Erfahrung geht es darum, symbolische Prozesse und sinnliche Erfahrung (kinetische Semantik) in Austausch miteinander zu bringen. Es wird jeweils innerhalb eines definierten rituellen Rahmens oder Settings eine verändernde Erfahrung angestrebt, indem symbolische Elemente in einem archaischen Wahrnehmungsmodus nicht mehr rational, sondern mutativ sinnlich erfahren werden. Gewichtig sind jedoch auch die Unterschiede: während die Religion diesen Übergangsraum mit vorgefertigten moralischen Geboten wieder verschließt, unternehmen Kunst und Psychotherapie eine ethische und offene Suche nach Sinn. Kunst ist dabei auf die Herstellung allgemeingültiger Werke ausgerichtet, während die Psychotherapie die verändernde Macht ganz in den Dienst des Individuums stellt. Schlüsselwörter: ästhetischer Prozess; kinetische Semantik; Körper; Moral vs. Ethik; Religion; Stimme Abstract: By using the concept of kinetic semantics the author characterizes a mode of early developmental stages of psychological organisation which is dominated by the senses. He analyzes it in regards to Ogden’s concept of the autistic-touching-position. In that matter the vocal-body-focussed relationship is accentuated. These processes are relevant to a various extent for the arts, religion and psychotherapy. In these three forms of priviliged experience the main concern is the mutual exchange of symbolic processes and sensual experience (kinetic semantics). Within each defined ritual framework or setting an experience of change is aspired by the sensual experience of symbolic elements in an archaic mode of perception in a mutative sensual way, rather than a rational way. However, also the differences are of significance: while religion occludes this space of transition with cut and dried moral commandments, art and psychotherapy take steps towards an ethical and open search for meaning. Art is geared towards the production of universally valid creations, whereas psychotherapy commissions its transforming power to the individual.

ästhetischer Prozess, kinetische Semantik, Körper, Moral vs, Ethik, Religion, Stimme Abstract: By using the concept of kinetic semantics the author characterizes a mode of early developmental stages of psychological organisation which is dominated by the senses, He analyzes it in regards to Ogden’s concept of the autistic-touching-position, In that matter the vocal-body-focussed relationship is accentuated, These processes are relevant to a various extent for the arts, religion and psychotherapy, In these three forms of priviliged experience the main concern is the mutual exchange of symbolic processes and sensual experience (kinetic semantics), Within each defined ritual framework or setting an experience of change is aspired by the sensual experience of symbolic elements in an archaic mode of perception in a mutative sensual way, rather than a rational way, However, also the differences are of significance: while religion occludes this space of transition with cut and dried moral commandments, art and psychotherapy take steps towards an ethical and open search for meaning, Art is geared towards the production of universally valid creations, whereas psychotherapy commissions its transforming power to the individual,

By using the concept of kinetic semantics the author characterizes a mode of early developmental stages of psychological organisation which is dominated by the senses. He analyzes it in regards to Ogden’s concept of the autistic-touching-position. In that matter the vocal-body-focussed relationship is accentuated. These processes are relevant to a various extent for the arts, religion and psychotherapy. In these three forms of priviliged experience the main concern is the mutual exchange of symbolic processes and sensual experience (kinetic semantics). Within each defined ritual framework or setting an experience of change is aspired by the sensual experience of symbolic elements in an archaic mode of perception in a mutative sensual way, rather than a rational way. However, also the differences are of significance: while religion occludes this space of transition with cut and dried moral commandments, art and psychotherapy take steps towards an ethical and open search for meaning. Art is geared towards the production of universally valid creations, whereas psychotherapy commissions its transforming power to the individual.

aesthetic process, kinetic semantics, body, morals vs, ethics, religion, voice