PhD Barbara Thomson

Barbara Thomson is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Encinitas, California. She is a Marriage, Family and Child Therapist, Certified Bioenergetic Therapist and Bioenergetic trainer, and Certified Art Therapist. She uses her theater and art background as tools for psychotherapy.

(November 2017)



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Dando forma

Técnicas para Analistas Bioenergéticos

Dando Forma es la única compilación completa de técnicas clásicas y modernas de Bioenergética. Bioenergética es un tipo de psicoterapia somática creada por Alexander Lowen en 1957 y que se practica en todo el mundo. El libro aporta intervenciones basadas en los segmentos del cuerpo, los tipos de estructura, emociones y diversas modalidades de trabajo con clientes, tales como parejas, niños y personas ancianas. El libro se mantiene al día con respecto a los problemas modernos, como el modelo relacional, e incluye técnicas de cómo trabajar con la transferencia y contratransferencia en psicoterapia. Está diseñado para los estudiantes de psicoterapia somática y terapeutas certificados de Bioenergética. Las autoras son terapeutas profesionales y profesoras expertas de Bioenergética.

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Bend into Shape

Techniques for Bioenergetic Therapists

Bend into Shape is the only complete compilation of both classic and modern Bioenergetic techniques. Bioenergetics is a form of somatic psychotherapy created by Alexander Lowen in 1957 and practiced world-wide. The book covers interventions based on body segments, character type, emotions, and various populations such as couples, children and the elderly. The book considers up to date modern issues such as the relational model, including ways to work with transference and countertransference in psychotherapy. It is designed for students of somatic psychotherapy as well as certified Bioenergetic therapists. The authors are both long time Bioenergetic therapists and experienced trainers in the field.