16 Seiten, PDF-E-Book
Erschienen: April 2019
Bestell-Nr.: 36020
Scott Baum
Shame and the Dilemma of Human Destructiveness (PDF)
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Dieser Artikel untersucht das Phänomen der Scham und verwandter Gefühle aus klinischer und theoretischer Perspektive der Bioenergetischen Analyse. Es werden Verbindungen zum generellen Problem menschlicher Destruktivität und zu deren spezifischen Ausdrucksformen dargestellt. Ebenso wird aufgezeigt, wie Scham und Beschämung destruktiv in Beziehungen und in Familien eingesetzt werden. Das persönliche Ringen des Autors wird genutzt, um eine Möglichkeit zu beleuchten, mit zerstörerischer Scham zu leben.
This article examines the phenomenon of shame and related states from clinical and theoretical perspectives within Bioenergetic Analysis. Links are made to the general problem of human destructiveness and to the specific ways that shame is used destructively in relationships and families. The author’s personal struggle is used to illuminate one approach to living the reality of destructive shame.
L’article analyse le phénomène de la honte et d’états associés dans la perspective clinique et théorique de l’analyse bioénergétique. La honte est mise en perspective avec le problème général de la destructivité humaine, et notamment comment elle est utilisée spécifiquement à des fins destructives dans les relations et les familles. Le combat personnel de l’auteur dans ce thème illustre une approche permettant de vivre avec cette réalité de la honte destructive.
Questo articolo esamina il fenomeno della vergogna e degli stati correlati, dal punto di vista clinico e teorico dell’ analisi bioenergetica. Vengono proposti collegamenti con il problema generale della distruttività umana, e con i modi specifici in cui la vergogna viene usata in modo distruttivo nelle relazioni e nelle famiglie. La battaglia personale dell’autore è usata per illuminare un approccio a vivere la realtà della vergogna distruttiva.
This article examines the phenomenon of shame and related states from clinical and theoretical perspectives within Bioenergetic Analysis. Links are made to the general problem of human destructiveness and to the specific ways that shame is used destructively in relationships and families. The author’s personal struggle is used to illuminate one approach to living the reality of destructive shame.
L’article analyse le phénomène de la honte et d’états associés dans la perspective clinique et théorique de l’analyse bioénergétique. La honte est mise en perspective avec le problème général de la destructivité humaine, et notamment comment elle est utilisée spécifiquement à des fins destructives dans les relations et les familles. Le combat personnel de l’auteur dans ce thème illustre une approche permettant de vivre avec cette réalité de la honte destructive.
Questo articolo esamina il fenomeno della vergogna e degli stati correlati, dal punto di vista clinico e teorico dell’ analisi bioenergetica. Vengono proposti collegamenti con il problema generale della distruttività umana, e con i modi specifici in cui la vergogna viene usata in modo distruttivo nelle relazioni e nelle famiglie. La battaglia personale dell’autore è usata per illuminare un approccio a vivere la realtà della vergogna distruttiva.
Léia CardenutoS. 7–8Letter from the Editor (PDF)
Hugo SteinmannS. 9–10In Memory of Christa Ventling Dierks, Ph.D. (PDF)
(28.07.1930-03.11.2018)Rosaria FiloniS. 11–22Modesty versus Shame (PDF)
Identity Building through Nature, Personal History and CultureScott BaumS. 23–38Shame and the Dilemma of Human Destructiveness (PDF)
Helen Resneck-SannesS. 39–56Shame: Wanting to Be Seen and the Need to Hide (PDF)
Thomas HeinrichS. 57–78Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, Trans, Inter and Queers* (PDF)
Some challenges for the theory and work of Bioenergetic TherapistsMara Luiza Vieira Ceroni & Cláudia Abude S. 79–97Compulsions and Personality Disorders (PDF)
Homicides and Suicides: a Social Health Issue Based on Bioenergetic AnalysisHomayoun ShahriS. 99–110Attachment to Relational Trauma (PDF)
Nicolette ReS. 109–110Book Review of: V. Schroeter (2018). Communication Breakthrough (PDF)
Hugo SteinmannS. 9–10In Memory of Christa Ventling Dierks, Ph.D. (PDF)
(28.07.1930-03.11.2018)Rosaria FiloniS. 11–22Modesty versus Shame (PDF)
Identity Building through Nature, Personal History and CultureScott BaumS. 23–38Shame and the Dilemma of Human Destructiveness (PDF)
Helen Resneck-SannesS. 39–56Shame: Wanting to Be Seen and the Need to Hide (PDF)
Thomas HeinrichS. 57–78Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, Trans, Inter and Queers* (PDF)
Some challenges for the theory and work of Bioenergetic TherapistsMara Luiza Vieira Ceroni & Cláudia Abude S. 79–97Compulsions and Personality Disorders (PDF)
Homicides and Suicides: a Social Health Issue Based on Bioenergetic AnalysisHomayoun ShahriS. 99–110Attachment to Relational Trauma (PDF)
Nicolette ReS. 109–110Book Review of: V. Schroeter (2018). Communication Breakthrough (PDF)