
20 Seiten, PDF-E-Book
Erschienen: März 2009
Bestell-Nr.: 21104
»Freie Assoziation«
Brigid Nossal

Kooperation in der Beratung: eine unmögliche Aufgabe? (PDF)

Freie Assoziation 2009, 12(1), 11-30

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Der Beitrag basiert auf den Ergebnissen der eigenen Dissertation (2007), in der die Erfahrungen mit der Arbeit mit dem systemisch psychodynamischen Ansatz aus Sicht australischer Organisationsberater untersucht wurden. Die Studie umfasste 20 Berater, die mit diesem Ansatz arbeiteten. Die Untersuchung deckte einen beunruhigenden Widerspruch auf: Während 18 der 20 Organisationsberater deutlich auf die Notwendigkeit hinwiesen, im Rahmen des systemisch psychodynamischen Ansatzes mit Kollegen als Paar oder in Teams zusammenzuarbeiten, arbeiteten zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung doch alle allein, und nur drei hatten die Absicht, in Kürze mit anderen zusammen zu arbeiten. Damit veränderte sich der Fokus der Untersuchung dahin, diesem Widerspruch zwischen der »best practice« und der tatsächlichen Praxis nachzugehen und letztere zum eigentlichen Gegenstand der Analyse der Forschungsergebnisse zu machen.

This paper is based upon the findings from my Phd Research completed in 2007. The research project was designed to explore and describe the experience of working with a systems psychodynamic approach from the consultants’ perspectives within the Australian context. To this end, 20 consultants who self-selected as working with a systems psychodynamic approach were involved. While the first intention of the research was to document the unique aspects of this approach, the findings uncovered a disturbing contradiction. 18 of 20 consultants strongly asserted the importance of working with colleagues in pairs or teams when adopting a systems psychodynamic approach. However, at the time of interviewing, all 20 consultants were working alone and only three had immediate plans to work with others. An exploration of the reasons for this gap between beliefs about best practice and actual practice became the focus for the analysis of the research data. What is discovered through this analysis is that the reasons why consultants are predominantly choosing to work alone are likely to be complex and irreducible. An exploration of the issues that working together can surface for consultants who apply a systems psychodynamic approach is presented under four sub-topics: system domain issues; theory-related issues; interpersonal issues and intrapsychic issues. In this detailed analysis, what is revealed is an absence of »good enough« containment for the anxieties that are likely to be aroused when consultants work together. To this end, four »containers « are proposed: organisation/brand-as-container; management-as-container; supervision-as-container and theory/praxis-as-container. This research has uncovered some important challenges facing the community of practitioners in Australia. It is the contention in this paper that they need to be addressed if the practice of consulting with a systems psychodynamic approach is to flourish and continue to grow.

Stichworte: Beratung durch Fachleute, Psychodynamik, Kooperation, Theoretische Orientierung, Berater, Teams, Beratung, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie

Keywords: Professional Consultation, Psychodynamics, Cooperation, Theoretical Orientation, Counselors, Teams, Counseling, Industrial and Organizational Psychology