
11 Seiten, PDF-E-Book
Erschienen: April 2023
Bestell-Nr.: 31222
Karen Fried

How the Oaklander Model sparked a Global Community of Therapists in a Pandemic, and enriched Training and Treatment (PDF)

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Social isolation caused by COVID threatened psychotherapist-client and instructor-learner contact especially in the child therapy field. In response, the author devised free online Oaklander Model interactive play therapy tools (Sandtray, Puppets, Dollhouse, Projective Cards, Mindfuldraw) which replace their hands-on originals with tabs of images clients choose, place, move, enlarge or shrink, and make act and speak to orchestrate scenes. The author also conducted teleconference training and supervision in their use. Both the digital interventions and instruction continue to attract therapists from some 30 countries, who collaborate to support children from afar. The technological recasting of play techniques and teaching proved to retain and even expand their powers along with their reach. Such expansion confirmed the universal, timeless efficacy of Oaklander’s interventions and approach, and their applicability to virtual platforms. It also increased client access to therapy and therapist access to clinical education, regardless of location and finances. Finally, it revealed advantages of remote play therapy and training: recording sessions or stages of client creations, including from separate devices; shot sharing of clients’ home, household members, pets and meaningful objects for assessment and exploration; environmental sustainability of foregoing transportation, office rental, physical art materials and storage; and construction of an international therapeutic community sharing their knowledge. Periodic polling, current website analytics and a recent formal survey show these techniques and gains have outlasted and outgrown lockdown despite distance, financial hardship and, sometimes, war. Digital therapy, learning and collaboration endure and expand both online and live as the foundation of this network’s dual achievement: a global community of healers and a global extension of healing.
Lea-Sophie Richter & Mara Foppoli S. 5–6Editorial (PDF)
Lea-Sophie Richter & Mara Foppoli S. 7–8Éditorial (PDF)
Jana A. HeimesS. 11–15Therapeut*innen in sozialen Medien (PDF)
Anwendung professioneller und ethischer Grundprinzipien auf den Raum der sozialen Medien
Jana A. HeimesS. 17–18Les thérapeutes sur les réseaux sociaux (PDF)
Marcus TäuberS. 19–23Exposition auf Knopfdruck (PDF)
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) bei Phobien und Süchten
Marcus TäuberS. 25Exposition sur pression d’un bouton (PDF)
Mara Foppoli & Milena Pacciorini S. 27–34Peer-Chat: Vorläufige Beurteilung des Online-Angebots (PDF)
Mara Foppoli & Milena Pacciorini S. 35–42Peer chat: Valutazione preliminare di un’esperienza online (PDF)
Mara Foppoli & Milena Pacciorini S. 43–44Chat entre pairs : Évaluation d’une expérience en ligne (PDF)
Karen FriedS. 45–57Wie das Oaklander-Modell in einer Pandemie eine globale Gemeinschaft von Therapeut*innen ins Leben rief und die Ausbildung und Behandlung bereicherte (PDF)
Karen FriedS. 59–69How the Oaklander Model sparked a Global Community of Therapists in a Pandemic, and enriched Training and Treatment (PDF)
Karen FriedS. 71–72Comment le modèle d’Oaklander a déclenché dans une communauté mondiale de thérapeutes une vague de formations et de traitements enrichis par temps de pandémie (PDF)
Severina CaplaziS. 73–81Das Smartphone als Medium in der Psychotherapie (PDF)
Anwendung und Nutzen anhand transdiagnostischer Faktoren
Severina CaplaziS. 83–84Le smartphone en tant que support en psychothérapie (PDF)
Paolo RaileS. 87–92Handlungsmöglichkeiten-erweiternde Psychotherapiewissenschaft (Teil 2) (PDF)
Forschungspraktische Umsetzung
Paolo RaileS. 93–94Science psychothérapeutique élargissant les possibilités d’action (Partie 2) (PDF)
Peter SchulthessS. 95–96Rezension von: Rumpel, S., Stulz-Koller, A., Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. & Hauser Grieco, U. (Hg.) (2022). Weiterleben nach Flucht und Trauma (PDF)
Mara FoppoliS. 95Recensione del libro: Veneziani, M. (2022). Scontenti (PDF)
Peter SchulthessS. 96–97Rezension von: Spangenberg, E. (2023). Dem Leben wieder trauen (PDF)
Peter SchulthessS. 97–98Rezension von: Kriz, J. (2023). Humanistische Psychotherapie (PDF)
Peter SchulthessS. 98–99Rezension von: van Bronswijk, K. & Hausmann, C. M. (Hg.) (2022). Climate Emotions (PDF)