
23 Seiten, PDF-E-Book
Erschienen: November 2024
Bestell-Nr.: 22619
»Psychoanalyse im Widerspruch«
Veronika Heller & Jasmin Spiegel

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Bewegungsanalyse und Psychoanalyse: Eine Annährung

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Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt eine methodische und konzeptuelle Annäherung an die in der Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapieforschung populär gewordene Metapher von Psychotherapie als einem »Tanz« dar.

This contribution presents a methodological and conceptual approach to the metaphor of psychotherapy as a »dance«, which has become popular in the field of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy research. First a historically conceptual paralleling of psychoanalysis and dance science will trace the psychosexual and motor development, then a common methodology from Laban movement analyses and basic concepts of psychoanalysis as a treatment technique will be developed. This leads to a mutual hermeneutic reading of significant moments in the interaction, which relies on kinesthetic identification and resonance. The reading takes place between a fundamental primacy of kinesthetic experience on the one hand and reflexive processes of meaning-making on the other. Thus psychoanalysis--nbsp--–--nbsp--in interdisciplinary dialogue with dance studies--nbsp--– can make a current contribution to embodiment research.